Mosaic Installation

Ever found yourself marvelling at the intricate beauty of a mosaic and wondered how to install one at home? Well, we recommend all our customers to watch and follow our easy and exclusive installation guide:

Step By Step Guide:

Step 1: Unpackaging and Preparing Your Mosaic

  • Carefully cut through the outer packing of your mosaic, ensuring not to damage the mosaic itself.

  • Remove the layers of material, keeping any loose pieces safely for later use.

  • Unroll your mosaic from the tube and keep extra pieces, provided inside the tube, for repairs. Keep these in a safe place, organized and easily accessible.

Step 2: Measuring and Outline

  • Measure the area where you want to install the mosaic. Consider factors such as the dimensions of the mosaic, the surrounding space, and any specific design considerations.

  • Outline the position with a pencil. Double-check your measurements and alignment before proceeding to the next step to avoid any errors that could affect the final result.

Step 3: Preparing for Installation

  • Gather your tools: a trowel, a quarter-inch notch trowel, and white Thin-Set mortar.

  • Spread an eighth-inch thick layer of mortar over the outlined area, ensuring it is clean, dry, and free of any debris or obstructions. Ensure covering the entire surface evenly.

Step 4: Installing the Mosaic

  • "Combing," create ridges in the mortar using the notch trowel. It improves adhesion between the mortar and the mosaic tiles.

  • Place your mosaic piece over the mortar, position it properly, and apply even pressure using a grout float. If the mosaic is too large to handle as one piece, separate it into two or more pieces by cutting through the fiberglass mesh on the back, using a utility knife or scissors.

  • Clean up any excess mortar as you go along. A damp sponge or cloth can be used.

  • Use small finish nails between the stones if installing on a vertical surface.

  • If your mosaic is in multiple pieces, repeat the installation process for the second half, ensuring an invisible seam.

Step 5: Repairing Loose Pieces

  • Secure any loose pieces back in place using contact cement.

  • Use tile nippers to cut replacements to size and smooth any rough edges with Emery cloth.

Step 6: Grouting

  • Once the mosaic tiles are securely in place and the mortar has dried sufficiently, it's time to apply grout. Prepare non-sanded grout in a neutral colour and apply it to the mosaic surface, using a grout float, covering the entire surface evenly. Ensure that all spaces are filled and there are no air pockets.

  • Clean up any excess grout with a clean rag or towel. Allow the grout to set for the time specified by the manufacturer.

Step 7: Final Touches

  • Once the grout has dried to a haze, clean the surface with a damp sponge, repeating until there's no longer any haze, and the tiles are clean and shiny.

  • Buff the surface with a clean soft and dry cloth.

  • Apply a high-quality marble and stone sealer to finish the project. This helps protect the tiles from moisture, stains, and other damage, ensuring long-lasting beauty and durability.

Step 8: Admire Your Work

  • Step back and admire your beautifully installed mosaic.

  • Remember, precision and care are crucial for a successful installation.

Step 9: Conclusion

  • Installing a mosaic is a labour of love, and the result is worth it.

  • Your mosaic will be admired by all who see it, by following these detailed step-by-step instructions.

  • Don't hesitate to seek guidance from professional tile installers or experts in mosaic art if you encounter any challenges. Happy installing!